Oracle - Cerner: the acquisition of the year - 30th December 2021
On the 20th December 2021, Oracle Corporation completed its acquisition of Cerner Corporation for approximately $30bn. The acquisition of Cerner is now Oracle’s largest ever deal since the firm acquired cloud computing company NetSuite, in 2016 for $9.3 bn. Many believe that this will turn out to be one of 2021’s most significant acquisitions. |
European ETF marketplace: industry overview and analysis of key players - 4th December 2021
In the past few months the European ETF market has witnessed a high resurgence in demand, with investors being particularly keen on “value” stock ETFs, showing an incredible recovery after the outflows witnessed in the first quarter of 2020. Explore a detailed analysis on the latest trends in Europe ETF marketplace |
OVHCloud IPO: The debut of the future European cloud champion on France's stock exchange - 14th November 2021
On October 5th, 2021 the French cloud provider OVHCloud announced the launch of its IPO with the objective of raising around €350 million in its debut on the Euronext Paris market. With top U.S. firms currently retaining the majority of the cloud computing market share, OVHCloud is uniquely positioned to become the next European pure-play cloud champion |
Italy's biggest banking problem remain unresolved: the failure in MPS-Unicredit deal - 8 November, 2021
Monte dei Paschi di Siena started experiencing major issues with its financial positions leading in 2017, urging more than 5 billions in government assistance, which became its main stakeholder. Failure in negotiations between MPS and Unicredit leaves Italy unable to complete the restructuring of its banking system which started six years ago. Explore the potential of the missed deal, the causes, and repercussion on the system. |
European gas prices up: time to turn the heating off ? - 5 November, 2021
In recent times, following the global health crisis of Covid-19, natural gas prices on continental Europe have reached levels not seen for years. Explore the effect on electricity pricing and on fuel-based economies, the contributing factors and investors opinions leading this trend. |
The Nordic Laundromat: Scandinavian banks involved in Baltic money-laundering- April 9, 2019
Two CEOs fired and reputations critically damaged, billions of Euros in criminal funds with connections to Russia laundered, and huge amounts of wealth destroyed. This describes the current outcome of one of the biggest money-laundering scandals in modern time. |
The Future of the Renault-Nissan Alliance - December 12, 2018
Carlos Ghosn, the mastermind behind the Nissan-Renault-Mitsubishi alliance, was arrested on 19th of November. The sudden fall of such a monumental figure will undoubtedly produce reverberations across the chess board. |
Agribusiness: Africa's new gold? - December 10, 2018
It is considered to be one of Africa’s most rapidly emerging industries, valued at over $300 billion. With the United Nations expecting the business to triple its market value to over one trillion USD by 2030, agribusiness has often been referred to as ‘Africa’s new gold’. |
Will the German car industry decline affect ECB policies? - November 29, 2018
Car industry is one of the most important sectors of the German economy, which in turn accounts for one third of the entire eurozone aggregate output. Quarterly reports of firms in the sector for the third quarter of 2018 have shown a significant decline in profitability. |
A turning point for the German automobile industry - November 17, 2018
Tesla and its enfant terrible Elon Musk have brought massive disruption to the car industry by introducing its line of electric vehicles (EVs) that might mark the ultimate advent of vehicles powered purely by electricity to ordinary consumers. |
Italian Banks at Risk - November 12, 2018
A shudder political framework inaugurated an arduous period for Italian banks which are strained by the increasing spread of Italian 10-year debt over equivalent German bonds that is around 300 basis points. |
The struggles of European low-cost carriers - November 6, 2018
The European airline industry has seen a surge of bankruptcies in recent times. Three low-cost carriers, including Danish Primera Air, Cypriot based Cobalt Air and SkyWork Airlines filed for bankruptcy over the course of the last month alone. |
Risk of Default on Foreign Debt in Zambia - October 27, 2018
Last month, Xi Jinping, China’s president, announced that China would offer $60 billion in new funding to Africa. These funds will be used to finance public infrastructures in the target countries, in order to foster economic development; however, they come with some warnings, first of which is China’s interest in using such loans to control resources and political systems, in view of its global ambitions. |
SPACs in the Italian market: what should we expect next? - October 23, 2018
SPACs as investment vehicles will not be enough to solve the chronic Italian scarcity of IPOs in regulated markets, as the reasons of this phenomenon are profoundly intrinsic to the way capitalism has evolved in our country. |

Sainsbury’s and Asda close to £15bn merger - May 12, 2018
A new, multibillion deal might fundamentally change Britain’s supermarket business. Again.
A new, multibillion deal might fundamentally change Britain’s supermarket business. Again.

Norway oil fund to undertake structural changes to face new challenges - Mar 7, 2017
Established in 1990 as the Petroleum Fund of Norway, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, generally known as “The Oil Fund", has been created to preserve and invest Norway’s oil revenues for the generations to come. |